Sundays 9:30am
We are a local church community serving the Stellenbosch area. Our dream is to be a community of people who are filled with and filling Stellenbosch with the hope and life of Christ. We’re a family church that loves students. We are led by Paul and Kate Hoatson and their team of elders.
Eikestad Primary School, Doornbosch Street, Stellenbosch
Nathan Fisher - June 2, 2024
Money, Your Heart & Eternity
From Series: "Money, Your Heart & Eternity"
Jesus spoke more about money than any other topic; in fact, He addressed money more than heaven and hell combined. Join us for a mini-series entitled: ‘Money, Our Heart, and Eternity.’ In this series, we will explore why Jesus emphasised money so heavily, what our perspectives should be and what He is calling us to do.