Host Alpha Online
“Everyone should get to play a part in seeing others come to know Jesus.” – Alpha
We are thrilled that you are looking into hosting Alpha for your friends.
From training & session guides, to promo materials & extra resources, this is where you’ll find everything you need to run Alpha.
Promo Materials
Inviting a friend takes courage! We want to help make it as easy as possible.
Main Series Trailer
Walkthrough Promo Video
Main Series E-flyers
Click on the images to download the Alpha e-flyer best suitable for your friends.
Get Trained
We want to support you in hosting a great Alpha.
Watch our Q&A with hosts & helpers from evening session 1
Watch our Q&A with hosts & helpers from lunchtime session 1
Watch Session 2: Prayer, Tech, Q&A
Watch Session 3: Night 1 & Hosts Website
Watch our roundtable discussion with previous online hosts
Holy Spirit Sessions Training
The Holy Spirit sessions make out a key moment in the Alpha course. Be sure you and your team are equipped and ready to lead your guests well. Please get in touch with Charmaine if you need any guidance or assistance.
Holy Spirit Sessions Main Training Video
Watch Holy Spirit Training 1: Q&A
Watch Holy Spirit Training 2: Tips, Testimonies, Q&A
Week by Week
Resources to help you run every week’s session. More coming soon.
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Launch Week
We are so excited for the launch video premiere.
It will be a great first touchpoint to Alpha for everyone. What Alpha is, what it will look like and what to expect from the course.
20th August, 20:00
Watch the launch at
Week 1: Is There More To Life Than This?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 1 Video Link:
Team Tip: 2,5 min video
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 2: Who Is Jesus?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 2 Video Link:
Episode 2 with Subtitles:
Team Tip: 2,5 min video
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 3: Why Did Jesus Die?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 3 Video Link:
Episode 3 with Subtitles:
Team Tip: 2 min video
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 4: How Can I Have Faith?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 4 Video Link:
Episode 4 with Subtitles:
Team Tip: 2 min video
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 5: Why & How Do I Pray?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 5 Video Link:
Episode 5 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 6: Why & How Should I Read The Bible?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 6 Video Link:
Episode 6 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 7: How Can I Resist Evil?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 13 Video Link:
Episode 13 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download here
Week 8: How does God guide us?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 7 Video:
Episode 7 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
Holy Spirit Sessions (4 Videos - See special info below)
The Holy Spirit sessions (episodes 8-11) are often done on a weekend away. For Alpha online we recommend spreading it over two consecutive evenings or perhaps a Friday night and Saturday morning. Some groups will be watching the intro and Who is the Holy Spirit? on their own and only meeting for What does the Holy Spirit do? and How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Please get in touch with Charmaine (084 412 4209) if you need help or advice in deciding what would be the best approach for your group.
Remember to watch the special training video for these sessions.
10min Intro Video:
Intro with Subtitles:
1. Who is the Holy Spirit? Video:
Who is the Holy Spirit? with Subtitles:
2. What does the Holy Spirit do? Video:
What does the Holy Spirit do? with Subtitles:
3. How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? Video:
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
Week 9: Does God Heal Today?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 15 Video:
Episode 15 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
Week 10: Why and How Should I Tell Others?
Preview this week’s episode above. Every week we will provide a video link for you and your team to watch before the session and share with your small group to watch together. There will also be a discussion guide to lead you with questions, tips & ideas to get your group engaged meaningfully.
Episode 14 Video:
Episode 14 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
Bonus: How Can I Make The Most Of The Rest Of My Life?
If your group is limited to a 10-week course, you will most likely not be able to do all the sessions. If by this stage your group is excited to carry on you can do this episode as well.
Episode 12 Video:
Episode 12 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
Bonus: What About The Church?
If your group is limited to a 10-week course, you will most likely not be able to do all the sessions. If by this stage your group is excited to carry on you can do this episode as well.
Episode 16 Video:
Episode 16 with Subtitles:
Discussion Guide: Download
More Resources
Resources for you to be inspired & get equipped. More coming soon.
Resources for You
- Life Shared – Alpha
A three-week small group series to encourage and equip everyone in the church to share their faith. - The Reason for God – Tim Keller
Tim Keller and a group of people discuss their doubts and objections to Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, and Scripture, Keller and the group explore the truth of Christianity. - Exploring Evangelism – Simon Gill
3-minute episodes helping us help the people around us discover a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Resources for Your Friends
- When you feel anxious, alone and afraid – Craig Groeschel
A timely message for anyone needing to feel God’s closeness in this season. - What’s So Amazing About Jesus? – Terran Williams
Terran unpacks three incredible things that set Jesus apart from every other person in history. - Faith Tried & Triumphant – Lex Loizides
An Easter message about the life-changing faith that Christ came to win for us. God does the incredible through a world-changing event at the cross.
Answering Questions
Engage with important life questions. Explore what Christians believe and why. Compare Christianity to different religions and beliefs. -
Biblical answers to thousands of questions. - 10 Minutes to Truth – Jubilee Church
Everyone has questions. In an experiment, Jubilee took ten common objections to faith, with just ten minutes to answer, over a ten-week period. Pick a question, or an objection and let the conversation begin.
Next Steps
What happens when Alpha ends? We want to help you find the best next steps to encourage your guests on their faith journey and connect them with the local church. Here are a few ideas to share with your team and guests as Alpha concludes.
Stay Connected
In the last Alpha session, the host and helper can encourage the group to exchange contact information if they haven’t already. Some groups will create WhatsApp groups to stay in touch for a casual way to catch up with people and arrange hangouts.
Plan a Reunion
A reunion is a great way to keep a small group connected. Plan a follow-up get-together on Zoom or invite guests for a dinner to find out how they’ve got on and help them work out where they are heading next.
Invite Guests to Church
You could invite your small group or individuals to attend church together. This is less intimidating for guests who are not regular church attenders. It’s more likely that guests will develop the habit of coming to church on Sundays if they have friends they look forward to seeing.
Connect Guests to a Local Church
Connecting to a local church can be so life-giving to guest! If guests are not in your area, please get in touch with the office to help you find a local church in their area or check out churches connected to One Hope on the Advance Movement website.
Invite Guests to Help on the Next Alpha
Consider inviting guests to help at the next Alpha – a great way to support them in their faith journey. Think about a guest’s gifts and help them identify ways to be involved. Encourage them to think of friends who may be interested in doing Alpha.
Invite Guests to a Life Group
If guests are interested in exploring Christianity further, help them get connected in a life group. Going to the same small group as their Alpha host or with someone who was on the course with them could make them feel more comfortable and welcome.
More Next Step Resources
Other resources that can contribute to the ongoing spiritual growth of guests:

Bible in One Year
A free Bible reading app with a daily commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Over a million unique downloads and subscriptions in close to 200 countries since 2009. It can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Google Play or used as a plan in the Bible App.

The Marriage Courses
The Marriage Course and The Marriage Preparation Course act as a bridge between the church and the local community by recognizing the need to go beyond the social and physical walls of church to help couples with their relationships. Guests who attend Alpha can then attend The Marriage Course with their spouse or vice versa, because running one can help raise the profile of the other.

Starting Point
Starting Point can help you create a safe place for people to have conversations about faith and God. In a Starting Point group, you can discuss your doubts and explore the trickiest topics of faith, free from pressure and judgment.

The Prayer Course
An eight-week journey through the Lord’s Prayer that will help you and your community to grow and deepen your prayer life.

The Reason for God
Tim Keller and a group of people discuss their doubts and objections to Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, and Scripture, Keller and the group explore the truth of Christianity. Available for free through One Hope on RightNow Media